Core Values
- Respect
- Integrity
- Kindness
- Accountability
- Love
- Candor
- Gratitude
Our Mission is to provide the skills, exploratory experiences, and diverse education that enables individuals to reach their fullest potential as independent thinkers along with promoting self-discipline, creativity, academic and personal excellence.
Our vision is to make Alternative Education available as a choice to any parent. We want to bring Alternative Education to the forefront of mainstream education domain, rather than a second choice. Sandbox Academy believes that each individual possesses unique worth, and that students learn in different ways. We also believe that quality education is essential to a democratic society. Hence, we want to be an exceptional Alternative Education provider where every student is inspired to dream, believe and achieve their educational goals and empower them to become successful citizens. We shall continue to practice and advocate a system that proves that education can happen anywhere, anytime and anyhow. We want to bring education out of the four-walls and encourage holistic development based on the traditional Gurukul concept.
I am a parent of a 12-year-old Hamza who is home-schooling with SandBox academy. SandBox Academy is a one stop place for the complete holistic development of one’s child. The activities are extremely well crafted and the teachers are very helpful and supportive. They teach in an interactive way and the effort put up by the entire team is commendable. In fact, even the children have become a family.After being with SandBox Academy my son is a much, much happier and cheerful child. He enjoys sitting for class and loves the way he is being taught. He looks forward to sit for class.I wish the best of luck and love to the entire team.
Your curriculum delivery is very helpful and scientific but what also feels great is the ethical aspect of your organisation. I am happy that Mayank is able to learn with you 🙏🏻
Compared to a school the timings are shorter. The sessions are intense. There is more involvement and a sense of ownership since projects are given to the students. I just love their Assemblies. They are so innovative. Hands-on activity is science experiments, pptx making are just amazing.
I am so happy with his progress. Yuvraj has never been so happy. Thanks to SandBox. activity is science experiments, pptx making are just amazing.
Pranjal was never interested in Science, however, after joining SandBox and doing experiments with you, she has started showing a new found interest in Science. Thanks to Sulbha Ma’am and SandBox, this happened only because of your guidance and your interactive way of teaching 👍🏻🙂
Thanks Mam for your kind efforts and giving my child a better future . I really appreciate your work. And good part is that Ruhee said that she loves you 😊. Normally she doesn’t admire anyone so easily 😂 🙏 And special Thanks for your friendly SUPPORT 😊